Consolidate: Story of Naaman

In this week’s insightful episode, Pastor Mike Nicholls shares his powerful sermon from May 26, 2024, continuing our “Consolidate” campaign inspired by Acts 4:32. Pastor Mike explores the compelling story of Naaman from 2 Kings 5:1-3, drawing lessons on purpose, presumption, and pride.

1.) Positioned for Purpose

  • We all face battles, some unseen and hard to fight

  • Learn from the remarkable actions of the young girl in the scripture, despite her obscure background

  • Understand that your purpose is not determined by your position but by your perspective

  • Reflect on your own purpose: Do you know what it is? Do you need help finding it? Have you sought guidance from others?

2.) The Trap of Presumption

  • Presumption can lead to disappointment and hinder ur spiritual growth

  • Explore how expecting God to act in specific ways limits both Him and ourselves

  • Recognise how presumption can stifle your expectations and impact your communication and decision-making processes

3.) The Trap of Pride

  • Pride can subtly infiltrate our lives, affecting our relationships and decisions

  • Seek God’s help in identifying and addressing areas where pride may be affecting you

  • Embrace humility and openness to allow God to work more effectively in your life

Pastor Mike’s sermon encourages deep reflection on our spiritual journeys, urging us to shift our perspectives, avoid the traps of presumption and pride, and seek a purposeful life aligned with God’s will.


Remember Me


Consolidate: Day of Pentecost