Working Out Our Faith

In this engaging sermon, Pastor Jason Heron delves into the theme of "Working Out Our Faith," emphasising the importance of time, talents, and treasures in our spiritual journey.

Key Highlights:

Managing Time Wisely:
Time, a precious gift from God, cannot be created or bought, but can be managed with wisdom. Romans 12:1 calls us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices, urging us to serve God actively.

Offering Talents and Skills:
Drawing from John 13:14-17, Pastor Jason highlights the blessing of serving. We must serve God first, then others, leaving our ego aside. God made each of us unique, so we must use our talents to serve the Body of Christ, not just be consumers.

Offering Treasure to Advance the Kingdom:
Addressing 2 Corinthians 9:12-13, Pastor Jason discusses the often-taboo topic of money in the church. He emphasises the importance of integrating God into our financial plans and developing a habit of generosity.

Offering Witness to the World:
Acts 1:8 reminds us that we have the power to be witnesses. The Word of God should not stay within church walls but must be shared with the world.

Join Pastor Jason Heron in this inspiring sermon as he challenges us to manage our time wisely, offer our talents and skills, integrate God into our financial plans, and boldly witness to the world, thereby truly working out our faith.


Prayer of Jabez


Continue with God