On Your Marks: Peter

Welcome to the "On Your Marks" podcast, where we dive deep into the timeless wisdom of scripture to navigate life's journey with faith and purpose. In this episode, Pastor Jason Heron delivers a powerful message titled "On Your Marks: Peter," based on Mark 14:66-72.

 Through the story of Peter, who walked closely with Jesus, witnessed miracles, and heard profound teachings, Jason explores the theme of overcoming mistakes and regrets. Despite Peter's shortcomings and moments of weakness, Pastor Heron emphasises the message of redemption and restoration that resonates with each of us.

 As we reflect on our own mistakes and regrets, Jason reminds us that God's desire is to set us free from the burdens of the past. Just as Peter was restored and recommissioned by Jesus, we too can experience a renewed sense of purpose and direction in our lives.

 Join us as we journey through the story of Peter, finding hope and inspiration in the promise of redemption and the opportunity for a fresh start. Tune in to discover how you can embrace God's grace, move beyond your mistakes, and step confidently into the future that awaits you. Get ready to be empowered and encouraged on your marks!


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