Consolidate: Devoted to Pray

Welcome to "Devoted to Prayer," a segment of our Consolidate Campaign. In this episode, Guest Speaker: Pastor Simon Lawton delves into Acts 4:2:42-47, highlighting the importance of cultivating a devoted prayer life.

Pastor Simon emphasises that prayer is not just a religious ritual but a dynamic connection with a God who answers prayers. He quotes Yongi Cho, who said, “Nothing you can do will benefit you more than prayer,” underscoring the profound impact prayer can have on our lives. 

Why is prayer so vital?

1. Prayer draws us closer to God: It fosters intimacy and deepens our relationship with Him.

2. Prayer gets us listening to God: Just as Jesus spent time in prayer, we too can hear from God when we prioritise prayer.

3. Prayer activates His promises: God is faithful to fulfil His promises as we pray in alignment with His will.

4. Prayer gets results: Jesus encourages us to persist in prayer, knowing that it yields fruit.

5. Prayer brings breakthrough: It invites God’s intervention in challenging situations.

6. Prayer brings power: It taps into God's strength and enables us to overcome obstacles.

7. Prayer is fuelled by faith & builds faith: It cultivates trust in God's ability to answer and respond.

8. Prayer is a leader’s chief work: Effective leadership is grounded in prayer.

9. Prayer unites us: It strengthens the bond within the church community.

10. Prayer is the foundation of the church: It underpins the church's mission and vision.

Reflecting on these truths, Pastor Simon invites listeners to assess their prayer life—how much they pray and whether they understand the power of prayer. He reassures those unfamiliar with prayer that it can be learned and encourages openness in sharing specific prayer needs with others.

Join us as we explore the transformative impact of a devoted prayer life and discover the profound blessings that come from connecting with God through prayer. Tune in to deepen your understanding of prayer and experience its life-changing effects in your journey of faith.


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