Consolidate: You Will Be My Witnesses

Welcome to "Be My Witnesses," a compelling episode of our Consolidate series on the podcast. Today, Pastor Jason Heron delves into Acts 1:7-8,

In this episode:


Pastor Heron reminds us of the imminent return of Jesus Christ. Reflecting on the disciples' initial expectations, he emphasises that Jesus taught them to share His love with others, challenging listeners to consider the impact of Christ's second coming on their lives.


Highlighting the great opposition faced when advancing the Kingdom of God, Pastor Heron draws inspiration from the perseverance of Apostle Paul. He encourages listeners to examine their spiritual closeness to God, offering hope and counsel for those seeking to reconnect with their faith. 

Join us as we explore the urgency of Christ's return and the call to be bold witnesses despite opposition. Discover how you can finish strong in your faith journey and find renewed purpose in sharing God's love with others. Tune in to "Be My Witnesses" and embrace the challenge of living as a faithful witness in a world that needs the hope of Jesus Christ.


Consolidate: Day of Pentecost


Consolidate: Devoted to Pray