On Your Marks: Follow Me

Welcome to another inspiring episode from the "On Your Marks" campaign! Today, Pastor Jason leads us in a thought-provoking message titled "Follow Me," focusing on the profound call to discipleship found in the scriptures.

Drawing from the teachings of Jesus, Pastor Jason challenges us to consider the true cost of discipleship. He reminds us that a disciple is someone who is willing to follow Jesus no matter the cost.

As we journey towards wholeness and restoration in our faith, Pastor Jason highlights the reality that none of us are perfect until Jesus returns. He addresses the inevitability of trials and troubles that come with following Christ, emphasising the need for perseverance and standing firm in the face of persecution.

In this episode, Pastor Jason encourages us to embrace the call to advance the church while also counting the cost. Join us as we delve deeper into what it means to truly follow Jesus, navigating the challenges with faith and determination on our marks. Tune in and be inspired to follow Him wholeheartedly, no matter the cost.


On Your Marks: Get Set: Go


Own The Moment