Consecrate: Foundation

Welcome to the first  episode of the new "Consecrate" campaign podcast! Today, Pastor Jason Heron delves into the profound topic of consecration in a message titled "Consecration: Foundation."

Drawing inspiration from 1 Peter 2:9-10, Pastor Jason highlights the significance of consecration as a fundamental aspect of our spiritual journey. He emphasises the importance of surrendering our lives to God, willingly allowing ourselves to be set apart for His service and made holy.

Through powerful insights, Pastor Jason discusses the transformative process of dethroning ourselves and enthroning Jesus in our lives. He explores how consecration leads to a deeper connection with God, and reminding us that we are  God's special possession.

Join us as we delve into the depths of consecration, laying a strong foundation for our faith journey. Tune in to discover how surrendering to God's will can lead to a life of purpose, fulfilment, and divine transformation. Get ready to be inspired to consecrate your life to the service of God and experience the profound joy of being His special possession.


Consecrate: Hannah’s Story


On Your Marks: Get Set: Go