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Consecrate Paul Adams Consecrate Paul Adams

Consecrate: He Knows

Welcome to "He Knows," where we dive into the reassuring truth that God knows and understands all aspects of our lives, even when we don't. In this episode, we are honoured to have Rev. Paul Hudson as our guest speaker, guiding us through the profound insights from the book of Revelation.

Rev. Hudson begins by reflecting on the story of Job, who experienced unimaginable loss and suffering yet found solace in the realisation that God knows all things. Drawing from Revelation 5:1-4, Rev. Hudson highlights the significance of the sealed scrolls, symbolising the mysteries of life that only Jesus can unravel. He encourages listeners to surrender their uncertainties and anxieties to God, trusting in His control over every aspect of their lives.

Continuing, Paul explores the assurance that God hears and responds to our prayers, as depicted in Revelation 5:7-8. He reminds us that our prayers are not forgotten but are stored as precious incense before God, ready to be answered in His perfect timing.

Finally, Rev. Hudson discusses the power and authority of Jesus, portrayed as both the lion and the lamb in Revelation 5:5-6. He challenges listeners to embrace the power within them as followers of Christ, boldly embodying the strength of a lion while maintaining the humility of a lamb.

Join us as we delve into the comforting truth that God knows and cares for us intimately, inviting us to trust in His wisdom and sovereignty. Tune in to discover how you can find peace and strength in the midst of life's uncertainties, knowing that He knows all things.

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Consecrate Paul Adams Consecrate Paul Adams

Consecrate: Living to Please the Lord

Welcome to the "Living To Please the Lord" podcast in our Consecrated Campaign , where we explore what it means to live a life dedicated to serving and pleasing God. In this episode, Pastor Jason Heron delves into the concept of being a prisoner for the Lord, highlighting the freedom we have in Christ alongside the limitations in our choices.

Drawing from Romans 12:1-2, Pastor Jason emphasises the importance of renewing our minds to align with God's will. He challenges listeners to reflect on past decisions made in their old nature and encourages them to embrace a new way of thinking that leads to actions pleasing to the Lord.

Continuing with Ephesians 5:18, Pastor Heron underscores the significance of being filled with the Holy Spirit to overcome the constant conflict with our old nature. He prompts listeners to assess which nature they are feeding and urges them to feed their strengths while starving their weaknesses.

Navigating through boundary choices, Pastor Jason provides practical wisdom on guarding against temptation and external influences that may lead us astray. He emphasises the importance of surrounding ourselves with Christlike relationships and seeking guidance from those who will speak truth into our lives.

Offering solutions, he encourages listeners to engage in prayer, immerse themselves in God's Word, and cultivate a spirit of thanksgiving and praise.

Join us as we explore the journey of living to please the Lord, embracing freedom in Christ while making intentional choices that honour Him in every aspect of our lives. Tune in to discover practical strategies for navigating life's challenges and staying grounded in your faith. Let's commit to living consecrated lives that bring glory and honour to God!

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Consecrate Paul Adams Consecrate Paul Adams

Consecrate: I Have Decided

Welcome to another episode of our "Consecration" campaign entitled "I Have Decided" where we explore the transformative power of faith and commitment. In this episode, Pastor. Lynda Heron delivers an inspiring message urging listeners to make a decision to trust and believe in Jesus, leading to a new life of purity and purpose.

Drawing from Romans 6:3-4, Lynda emphasises that Jesus paid the price for our sins at the cross, offering us freedom from burdens, shame, and brokenness. Regardless of our ability to comprehend it fully, she encourages us to trust in Jesus' saving grace, knowing that He conquered death and offers us new life.

Continuing, Pastor Lynda highlights the significance of baptism as a public declaration of faith in Jesus Christ, citing Mark 16:16. She explains that baptism is for believers who have made a conscious decision to follow Christ and invites listeners to reflect on their own spiritual journey and the possibility of being baptised. Addressing misconceptions, Pastor Lynda clarifies that baptism is not for those who are not actively following Christ but is a sacred act for those who have chosen to commit their lives to Him.

Lastly, Pastor Lynda underscores the urgency of obedience, quoting Acts 22:16, and encourages those who have accepted Jesus as their Saviour but have not yet been baptised to take immediate action.

Join us as we delve into the significance of making a decision to trust in Jesus and the profound impact of baptism on our journey of faith. Tune in to discover how you can embrace new beginnings and deepen your commitment to Christ. Don't delay—take the next step in your spiritual journey today!

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Consecrate Paul Adams Consecrate Paul Adams

Consecrate: The Holy Spirit

In this powerful episode of the "Consecration" campaign, Pastor Jason Heron leads us into a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit's role in our lives.

Pastor Jason emphasises that the Holy Spirit is readily available to everyone, urging us to spend time with the Lord daily to prepare our hearts for His presence. He reminds us that God pours out His Spirit on all flesh without restrictions, emphasising the holiness of the Holy Spirit.

1️⃣ The Holy Spirit Empowers: Drawing from Acts 1:8, he highlights how the Holy Spirit empowers believers, transforming them into new creations in Christ. He challenges listeners to examine their lives, acknowledging that genuine change should follow encounters with God.

2️⃣ The Holy Spirit Gives Gifts, Reveals, and Purifies: Pastor Jason underscores that the Holy Spirit reveals truth, gives spiritual gifts, and purifies believers. He encourages introspection, urging listeners to confront sin and actively seek purification.

3️⃣ Gifts: Pastor Jason prompts reflection on the gifts God has bestowed upon each believer, emphasising their purpose in building the Kingdom of God.

Throughout the episode, listeners are encouraged to examine their lives, identify areas that need transformation, and actively engage with the Holy Spirit's work within them. Pastor Jason's message inspires a deeper commitment to consecration and a willingness to yield to the Holy Spirit's guidance. Join us on this journey of spiritual growth and empowerment as we embrace the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

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Consecrate Paul Adams Consecrate Paul Adams

Consecrate: Consecration and the New Covenant

Welcome to another enriching episode featuring Pastor Jason Heron, recorded on March 17, 2024, as part of our ongoing campaign on consecration, inspired by Joshua 3:5. In this sermon titled "Consecration and the New Covenant," Jason delves into the profound significance of consecrating our lives to God in light of the new covenant established through Jesus Christ.

Drawing from 1 Peter 2:9-10, He reminds us that through Christ, we are set apart as holy and acceptable in the presence of God. He explores four key aspects of consecration:

1️⃣ Mediator: Rev. Heron explains how Jesus serves as the mediator who reconciles us with God, enabling us to stand before Him in peace. We are invited to reflect on their experiences as mediators or beneficiaries of mediation in resolving conflicts.

2️⃣ A New Covenant: He discusses the promise of forgiveness and restoration that God offers through Jesus, emphasising the significance of accepting Jesus in our lives to experience communion with God. We are prompted to contemplate where they would be without Jesus in their lives.

3️⃣ Redemption: Jason elaborates on how Jesus's sacrifice on the cross redeems us, paying a debt we could not repay and restoring us to God's presence. He challenges us to live in the freedom and understanding of Christ's sacrifice.

4️⃣ Personal Trainer (The Holy Spirit): Lastly, he discusses the role of the Holy Spirit as a personal trainer who guides and empowers us to grow spiritually. He encourages listeners to respond to the Holy Spirit's guidance for transformation.

Throughout the sermon, Pastor Jason inspires listeners to reflect on their relationship with God, the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Join us as we explore the profound journey of consecration and the blessings of the new covenant in Christ. Tune in and prepare to be uplifted and empowered on your spiritual journey!

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Consecrate Paul Adams Consecrate Paul Adams

Consecrate: Hannah’s Story

Welcome to the first episode of the new "Consecrate" campaign podcast! Today, Pastor Jason Heron delves into the profound topic of consecration in a message titled "Consecration: Foundation."

Drawing inspiration from 1 Peter 2:9-10, Pastor Jason highlights the significance of consecration as a fundamental aspect of our spiritual journey. He emphasises the importance of surrendering our lives to God, willingly allowing ourselves to be set apart for His service and made holy.

Through powerful insights, Pastor Jason discusses the transformative process of dethroning ourselves and enthroning Jesus in our lives. He explores how consecration leads to a deeper connection with God, and reminding us that we are God's special possession.

Join us as we delve into the depths of consecration, laying a strong foundation for our faith journey. Tune in to discover how surrendering to God's will can lead to a life of purpose, fulfilment, and divine transformation. Get ready to be inspired to consecrate your life to the service of God and experience the profound joy of being His special possession.

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Consecrate Paul Adams Consecrate Paul Adams

Consecrate: Foundation

Welcome to the first episode of the new "Consecrate" campaign podcast! Today, Pastor Jason Heron delves into the profound topic of consecration in a message titled "Consecration: Foundation."

Drawing inspiration from 1 Peter 2:9-10, Pastor Jason highlights the significance of consecration as a fundamental aspect of our spiritual journey. He emphasises the importance of surrendering our lives to God, willingly allowing ourselves to be set apart for His service and made holy.

Through powerful insights, Pastor Jason discusses the transformative process of dethroning ourselves and enthroning Jesus in our lives. He explores how consecration leads to a deeper connection with God, and reminding us that we are God's special possession.

Join us as we delve into the depths of consecration, laying a strong foundation for our faith journey. Tune in to discover how surrendering to God's will can lead to a life of purpose, fulfilment, and divine transformation. Get ready to be inspired to consecrate your life to the service of God and experience the profound joy of being His special possession.

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